H-Game 137: Saki and the Crucible of Debauchery
Original Title: サキと淫絡の坩堝
Save File Included
Do battle against abominable demons as Saki the shrine maiden! Use her four different forms to slay enemies, or activate full-auto mode and watch as Saki is defiled and corrupted…
Erotic Battles
Saki’s foes will attempt to restrain and then defile her. Once restrained, Saki will be raped without mercy! Let it continue, and her defilement will only become even more servere and thorough.
・Explore linear dungeons either manually or on full auto.
・No game overs in battles.
・Animated sex scenes in battles.
・Explict images and sound effects can be turned off seperately.
・Contains around 71 sex CGs (12 of which for when a battle is lost)
・Around 59 looped sex animations during battle and for all enemies
・Sex animations in all battles.
・Free battle mode included.
・Features voice acting by Shiki Asagi
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