H-Game 1297: The Runaway Girl and Me v1.05

Original Title: シロウト家出娘と俺
Version: 1.05
My life has just started together with this runaway girl.
She’s naturally rather closed-off and suspicious of me at first, but as we communicate and spend more time together, she comes to open up to me.
・In the Multi-Language Version, you can choose between English, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, and Korean. However, Japanese is not available.
・Voiced audio is only available in Japanese.
・The Multi-Language Version can read save data from the Japanese Version (Ver1.04), but the Japanese Version (Ver1.04) cannot read save data from the Multi-Language Version.
(This may change in future updates to the Japanese Version)
・When loading save data from the Japanese Version (Ver1.04) of the game into the Multi-Language Version, it is possible that some game text may remain in Japanese, such as the save data title, message log, and some message windows.
Any new messages added after continuing your save will be added in the language selected from the config screen.
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