H-Game 1037: The Evil Guards of the Merchant City – Lady Prisoners Underground APPEND v2.08


Original Title: 交易街の黒い衛兵~地下監獄と女囚達~APPEND
Version: 2.08

In this animated RPG, you’re a guard in a bustling merchant town, who keeps the rabble in line by arresting “suspicious women” and r4ping them.

This patch adds to the game’s character generation function, allowing you to create everything from pure maidens to hot MILFs. You can also create boys, and male genitalia is now included in the editor mode.
* It is not possible to use both genitalia, for example, to create futanari characters.
* The male / male genitalia options can be toggled OFF in the options if you’d prefer to go without it.

We’ve also added new personalities, character parts, and s3x positions (3 ways, double hole s3x toy assault, etc.). In total, 70+ Live2D animations with SFX have been added excluding character variations.

On top of that, we’ve added confinement cells, new quests, zombie-style texture swap options,
and more. Even players who’ve already beaten the game will find lots to enjoy here!

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