H-Game 545: The Censor v3.1.5

Original Title: エロ検閲者
Version: 3.1.5
You are Yuto Fujimoto, a computer genius. As a fresh graduate, you want to live an easy life chilling at home, but to survive you still need a job. It just so happens Facibook is recruiting community content moderators.
“A censor job, huh? Not my style, but at least it pays the bills and I can do it from home.”
Your application is quickly accepted and you are now committed to censor images every day. Tomorrow is day one of the new job…
Censoring may seem boring and repetitive, but you may be able to FLIP THE WORLD AROUND!
Idol Singing Minigame
Improve control responsiveness.
Reduce difficulty.
Add a pause option.
Fix soft lock bug after failing the minigame.
Nun Singing Minigame
Improve control responsiveness.
Reduce difficulty.
Add a pause option.
Fix perspective button issue.
Bug Fixes
Fix soft lock bug after closing the menu.
Fix translation errors.
Fix trigger conditions for the church party sex event.
Fix the price of Running Shoes 2.
Fix trigger conditions for the nun’s second sex pose (Lv4).
Fix translation issues when teleporting home.
UI Improvements
Add more descriptions for sex choices.
Add more icons on the main girl data panel to indicate unlock status.
Gameplay Adjustments
Remove camera shaking during sex with Misa in the trash room.
Save Data Compatibility: Now compatible with version 3.0.14.
Comic Conversion: Improved border adjustments for better quality.
Character Fixes:
Fixed the chaotic portrait of the woman at the front desk.
Corrected Mai’s chaos request (67 → 70).
Map Fixes:
Corrected the afternoon background of the church exterior map.
Task Fix: Fixed the reward for the stamp collection task.
1.Before corrupting Rika, you cant stay inside the church area at night time(not even the garden)
2.Changed the rewards of anime expo stamp collections to 1000 bucks and a hard drive and access to meet Yui.
3.Difficulty of chorus and vibrator games have been significantly reduced.
4.Memory leak issue fixed.
5.Fixed the notification of the buff guy and pink hair girl quest rewards.
6.404 error mode will still increase chaos.
7.Translation added in the censor job system.
8.Movement speed increases.
9.Congregation wishes quests rewards increases from 600 to 1000.
10.Mood increased from fap/sex changed from 1 to 2
11.Leakage of sexual photos during censor job increase 2 chaos/photo ->3 chaos/photo
12.Lower the price of the posters and increase the effects.
13.Fixes the issue that player can click normal UI in the chaos world view.
14.Fixes the map border issue, (partially).
Additional Fixes: Various camera fixes, UI improvements, and other minor updates.
- Added the translations when mouse hover over the icons in the anime convention map
- Player can complete “peek level3 trash room” quest(from misa) no matter whether couple sex inside or old man sex with pink hair girl inside.
- Increases default walking speed from 70->130.
- Credits from Anime minigame changes from 1500~2000 -> 2500 each.
- Price of teleporter decreases to 600(initially 1000-2000)
- Teleporter can be purchased once received anime convention ticket.
- Vsync is default turn on.
- Default SFX volumn drops to 0.15. (less noisy than before)
- Pressing Space key to go through dialogs could cause bugs so we now only allow click to traverse the dialogs.
- After player peeks through church window and come back to chorus next day we will tell him to finish Miyu’s quest first.
- Added hints telling player to go to anime conv/go to church first when player corrupts misa and got the bus card &ticket(but not yet collect yui image)/ when player collects all Yui image(but not yet collect rika image).
- After closing down the email quest before completing it, it will still flashes at corner.
- Quest(investigate level3 trashroom) description has been fixed.
- Choice UI(the one when you press sex it shows up what to choose) added location &time informations(for all characters).
- Changed the sex position between Old man and shop assistant girl(it is now by the left side of the poster shop.)
- Sex between old man and assistant girl is no more forced to see. you can choose whether to peek it or not once you get close enough to them(physically close).
Also fixed:
no misa photos after many attempts bug.
coser booth(Sakura) lock bug
confession sex black screen bug.
menu page click home button causes black screen bug fixed
folder path cant contain “+#?” bug fixed.
accommodate old savefiles(From 3.0.14 && 3.1.0)
day20 bugs soft lock bug fixed.
FMC data panel icons misalignment bug.
no translation in some parts of censor job bug.
highest chaos cap displayed as “20” but it should be “120” bug
after chaos event front desk girl (in anime expo) doesn’t change clothes in dialog portrait bug.
cant trigger security booth sex even item purchased.
Added extra lines to choice page(sex actions) to tell player to scroll to right to see all options.
Added one line at chaos world to tell player that higher chaos causes more lewd events.
some character not render bug.
pregnancy status always changed to 0 bug(if it is pregnant then it should not be changed to clean status any more).
pink outline bug of the girls bug.
Congregation still at church during night time bug fixed.
Added more information to unlock the church sex party scene in the chaos card. – fully corrupt rika & finish all the need of the congregation.
A thought bubble added to the angel(seven star san) in church.
sorting layer issues of the congregation outside the church.
translation issued in investigating level 3 trashroom quest description (the {0} issue)
no chaos increases if collect photos into album(even though we count it as a wrong result).
(when chaos >30) MC finishes security booth scene and run into old man & shop assistant’s affair and caused bug.
Rika Photo Display Bug Fixed: The progress bar will no longer get stuck at 40/100.
Fixed the bug where Misa’s photo could not be correctly received: Even if players are unable to collect Misa’s first photo on day 4 due to certain special circumstances, it will not affect the collection of subsequent photos.
Vibrator game (inside the church) update: Now supports keyboard input, and players no longer need to press the buttons in the corner of the screen. Players can use the “A”, “S”, and “D” keys on the keyboard to adjust the three vibration strengths.
Chorus Singing & Anime Convention Singing Games: Difficulty has been significantly reduced. The criteria for determining if a note is properly hit is now much more lenient.
Translation Bugs Fixed.
Censor Job Bug Fixed: Barcodes will no longer be hidden when a photo has black corners.
Quality of Life Improvement: Even without a ticket, players can now figure out where the anime convention entrance is. They can press “enter” to be rejected with a message stating that they need a ticket to enter and should corrupt Misa first.
Chorus Singing Game Scoring Update: The requirement for scoring “Nice” has been lowered from 45/60 to 35/60.
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