H-Game 1208: Nursery Dimension ~Seedbed Lost in Tentacle World~ v1.50

Original Title: NurseryDimension ~迷子の苗床と触手の世界~
Developer: mikotoshi-dou
Version: 1.50

This is a side-scrolling action RPG featuring hardcore content like tentacles and interspecies s3x.
H scenes feature chest and stomach inflations, plus lots of cum variations. There are no Game Overs, so H scenes are super easy to see!

All the movement you expect from an action game, like back-dashing, crouching, jumping, attacking, and sliding, plus special additions like knife throwing, bombs, MP-draining magic skills, and more!

Cancel your attacks with a back-dash, and cancel a back-dash by crouching. Keep that in mind as you delve into some truly frightening dungeons!

As you might expect from this type of game, along your journey you’ll discover new methods of attack and a double jump that will let you access all-new areas!

H Scenes
H scenes were all created with Live2D, and once your Break Points hit 0, you’ll transition into each one seamlessly.

Switch to the next animation using the jump button, but once your HP reaches 0, the animation will keep looping, Press the back-dash button to be sent back to the last safe area.

[H Scene Details]
15 enemy H scenes + 3 boss scenes
Also includes 3 birth and milking scenes.

[H Scene Contents]
Mostly hardcore interspecies content like tentacles, slimes, bugs, stomach bulging, pregnancy, birth, womb violation, nipple fucking, lactation, seedbedding, and more.
*There is no human s3x.

Other Features
The game has been balanced so that even non-action-fans can have fun!
Difficulty can be changed at any time, from Easy all the way to Nightmare and Naedoko modes!
Includes gamepad support and button customization.
Action-packed, but with RPG elements like leveling and equipment strengthening!
Enemy drops are random, making for varied equipment with different effects. Careful not to pick up something bad!
Lots of achievements to keep you busy! The game also keeps track of things like the number of assaults and births.
Pregnancy and egg implantation will visibly increase stomach size!
Game progress and time will induce birth and egg laying, so look out!

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