H-Game 990: Legend of Ogre Buster v3

Japanese Title: レジェンドオブオーガバスター

In a room in the royal castle, a knight grips a report with a bitter expression.
“———How cruel”
What was written there was a tragedy that occurred in a nearby village.
What had caused this was a monster group comprised of orks and ogres.
The female knight spoke in a quiet, dignified voice.
Inside, she burned with fury.
“The command has been made. Follow it!”
The female knight took the sword in her hand, stood up, and left the room.
What came to mind was the crying faces of the local citizens. How hard was what they had to face?
“I can’t let them live…those monster bastards….!!”
Burning with the desire for justice, she walked on hard and straight.
The story of the knight, filled with shame, was just about to start.

* Erotic scenes

In normal state, this is a normal belt scroll action, but every time the armor is destroyed, her private parts will be exposed. If you go down in that state, you will be r4ped by a giant ogre and slime.

With the erotic motion, the sperm shoots up when you come.
There is a total number of more than 700 pixels in the erotic motion.
From solitary r4pe of one ogre to multiple r4pe when other ogres join in.

The erotic scenes include erotic animation for action and erotic scenes on defeat.

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