H-Game 660: HarmonEy

Ayako Ichinose,

A member of society who works hard in peacetime and is the wife of the main character.
In my private life, I’m a little sloppy, and I’m living a free-spirited day, flirting with my husband.

I met the hero when I was a student and got married as it was.
As a friend, a lover, and a loved one, I love my husband so much that my husband comes first in everything, and I value their time the most.

Housework is in charge of washing and cleaning, and cooking is left to the husband.
It’s not that I can’t cook, but I only cook occasionally because I’m late to go home.

It’s surprisingly expressive with a lot of overreactions, but as a result, it has a personality that makes it easy to understand what you are thinking.

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