H-Game 430: Dohna Dohna ~ Lets Do Bad Things Together v1.02

Original Title: ドーナドーナ いっしょにわるいことをしよう | doHna:doHna -Issho ni Warui Koto o Shiyou-
Version: 1.02
To play this game, use a Japanese Locale Emulator or just set your PC to use Japan locale.
Young punks in a rotten city
A corporate castle town whose citizens’ entire lives are run by the company, from birth through to death.
In this town, gangs of “bad kids” lash out against their corporate-ordained lives,
shooting up officials and hustling girls in the streets.
Crashing recklessly through the barriers of both ethics and rules, though,
they see things that they’re not supposed to.
What’s really the worst thing happening in this city?
Turn your ill-gotten profits into combat power in this pimpin’ RPG!
otherwise it will crash
“SaveData” folder and make sure it isn’t set to “Read-Only”
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