H-Game 2342: Secret Flasher Sereka v09-02-23


Original Title: バレないように裸コートで露出するセレカさん
Version: 09-02-23

You wanna go nude in public, but you don’t wanna get caught — a true gentleperson’s dilemma. Help Sereka indulge her dirtiest fantasies without anyone knowing!

Her flashing journey is made a little easier by her large coat, but still… getting off isn’t going to be easy!
First, she chooses her target. Then, she gets flashing! Her gauge will increase when she gets caught, and if it reaches MAX, it’s GAME OVER! You’ll lose all your points, so be careful!

Earn money and points by finishing missions! The more points you have, the more options you’ll get. Money can be used to buy accessories and hairstyles!

[Difficulty Levels]
The game has three difficulty settings, so everyone can get the thrills they crave!

Slow motion activates automatically when you are about to be found.

The base difficulty.

A realistic level of difficulty.
The amount of time until your exhibitionist escapades are found out is shorter.

Approx. 50 types of accessories and 8 hairstyles!

There are tons of accessories you can have Sereka wear under her coat. Wearing accessories increases both your points and your earnings… but also increases your chances of getting caught!
There may even be some with special effects…

Save those pennies and get accessorizing!

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